Ring Size Chart

When you are buying a ring it is important that you get the size right. There is nothing worse than giving someone a ring only to find it is too big or too small. There are two ways to measure ring size which depend on what you are measuring (in addition to our ring size chart and downloadable ring sizer).

Measuring the finger

The first way to measure your ring size is to measure your finger. This is done through a string circumference measurement of the ring finger. To do this you will need either a tape measure or a piece of string and a ruler. Wrap the string or measuring tape around the ring finger but do not do this too tightly or loosely because this will cause incorrect measurements. If you are using string you will need to measure the length of the string and make a note of this. This will be the basis for your ring size.

Measuring a ring

If you already have your ring size but need to find out the size of a ring you will need to use the second measurement method. This is measuring the inside diameter of the ring. If you have other rings then you should use this measurement to identify your ring size.

Ring size variations

While rings sizes are standard within a country there are many different sizing systems used around the world. It is important to verify which system is being used to ensure you do not purchase the wrong size ring. The ISO or International Organization for Standardisation standard for ring sizes is ISO 8653:1986 which defines the inner circumference of the ring for sizing. North America use a numerical scale with quarter and half sizes for ring sizes while the UK, Australia and Ireland use an alphabetical scale with half sizes. Indo-Asia also uses a numerical scale but only includes full sizes. In Scandinavia, France, Germany, Belgium and Austria the internal circumference is used while Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland use a scale of the circumference minus 40mm.
Smallest ring sizes

According to the ISO standards the smallest ring has an inner circumference of 36.5mm. This ring size is only found on the North American sizing charts and is classed as a size 0. The smallest ring on the UK, Ireland and Australia chart has an inner circumference of 37.8mm and is classed as ring size A. In Indo-Asia and South America the smallest ring size has an inner circumference of 39.1mm and is classed as a size 1. The smallest ring size on the Italian, Spanish, Swiss and Dutch chart has an inner circumference of 40.4mm and is classed as a 0.5 size relating to the circumference in inches.

Largest ring sizes

As with the smallest size there are variations on what the largest size ring available is. On the North American charts the largest ring is a 16 with an inner circumference of 77.4mm. This measurement is also the largest for the chart used in Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Switzerland but is classed a 37.5. On the UK chart the largest ring is a Z4 with an inner circumference of 73.6mm. The Indo-Asia chart stops with a 27 which has an inner circumference of 69.7mm.

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